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Miley Cyrus Goes On an Undercover Mission in ‘Drag Race’ Sneak Peek: Watch

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Miley Cyrus goes undercover as drag king in Drag Race premiere.

Miley Cyrus 'Drag Race' Sneak Peek: Watch | Billboard Miley Cyrus goes undercover as drag king in Drag Race premiere.

Kennt jemand den namen Watch Miley Cyrus Dress Up As A Man In The Season 11 Premiere Of 'RuPaul's Drag Race' matteo feet. But before she got behind the panel looking like the glammed out Miley we know and love, she went undercover as a bro-y crew worker named BJ! If giving a blowup doll a bj is cool, consider me Miley Cyrus! Performing Artists · Miley Cyrus. Lead Vocals, Background Vocals · Louis Bell. Programming, Keyboards · Andrew Watt. Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Percussion · Will. Cyrus went undercover to surprise the contestants. She managed to avoid detection by dressing up as her drag king alter ego “Barry 'B.J. › story.

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