Red Head Slut

Redheaded Slut Shot

Your secret yespornea These vibrant little shots are the perfect way to enjoy Jägermeister! HER'E'S THE RECIPE. In this video, from Jabu's Pub in Seattle, Washington, we learn how to make a Redheaded Slut, also known as a Slutty Redhead. This red-headed slut goes down smooth. A perfect shot for 4th of July parties, serve with Blue Kamikaze shots for a festive party. Redheads do it better! A redheaded slut, also known as a ginger bitch, is typically made as either a mixed drink or a shooter. The red-headed slut, nicknamed ginger bitch, is a cocktail born in the US, made with peach schnapps, Jagermeister, and cranberry juice.

Red Headed Slut Shot: The Slut That Is Legally Good.

Redheaded Slut drink recipe - Redheaded Slut Drink Recipe.

I wanna get fucked dressed like that Red Headed Slut covers xxx. These RED HEADED SLUT SHOTS are a little sweet and a bit tart. A simple blend of Jagermeister, Peach Schnapps and cranberry juice. Best Men's Cocktails Epic Women's Drinks How to make the Red Headed Slut Cocktail STORY The Red Headed Slut cocktail, also known as a ginger. Embark on a daring flavor adventure with the "Red Headed Slut" shot! Join us as we mix up this bold concoction, blending the fiery. Made from Jagermeister as its base alcohol, the red headed slut shot is a digestif and will help in what others call a “food coma.” Food coma is. This chambord raspberry liqueur-based bartender's pick is made with 2 other ingredients: crown royal canadian whisky, southern comfort peach liqueur.

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