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  • The Best from BNKR

    One of our favourite things has to be online window-shopping, but when there's a Fashion at The Races event coming up there's always potential winning outfits to find! BNKR has become Australia's one stop shop for the whole wardrobe, with their range of brands speaking to every women's style. Whether...

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  • Summer Essentials for the Gentlemen

    We see you South Australian gents, we know you secretly love getting dressed up when you head to The Races. Whether your day-to-day getup involves a 3 piece suit, or work boots, there's no better opportunity to suit up than a day trackside. So far this year we've had some...

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  • From Spring to Summer

    As the weather warms up, we move away from Spring racing and transition in to “Summer Racing” and we see a few subtle changes in the way we’re dressing for the races. My favourite way to update racewear at the moment is to add a touch of straw. We’ve been...

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  • Wear The Pants

    Times are changing in the world of race wear, and more and more these days it's easy to spot women wearing the pants (so to speak) on a day at the races. This is a welcomed change for many, who feel more comfortable rocking seperates than finding that one dress....

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  • Stylist Picks - Spring Racing

    Spring time in South Australia and the races go hand in hand. As the spring racing season start to approach, the most important thing on all Fashionistas mind is what to wear! As the weather starts to warm up it's the perfect time for light layering, lace and crisp colours. ...

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