F F Spanking

As a sister... (spanking ff)

Come play with me beeg Posts about ff spanking story written by Emma X. The surge was slow and liberating through the clouds. I rode with the avalanche, dangling in the air for a few seconds, and then my body. Read the most popular f/f spanking stories on Lush Stories. After my pants are removed, Charity wrestles me onto her lap. Abigail grabs a fist full of my hair to pull me into place. Joy sits down next to Charity and. A spanking scene or session with a Female as the.

Spankings Stories.

Musings of an Astral Axolotl – f/f spanking and discipline stories .

I want to be her toungue katrina jade. Welcome home spankings. After an amazing three-week vacation, I'm home. As promised here is my next story. This week Moana's old roommate comes to town, and. In the lead story in this collection of F/F spanking stories, Liz and her roommate Jenny are best friends and work at the same diner. Frankie was the first to speak. “Dude. So she like, she spanks you? Like a kid? You poor thing” he giggles, his nose and eyes crinkling. Jazz calms down a bit. Read the most popular f/f spanking stories on Lush Stories. Posts about f/f spanking story written by Emma X.

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